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Family Involvement

Welcome to the Mountain Trail Middle School PTSO

MTMS PTSO is Mountain Trail Middle School’s Parent/Teacher/Student Organization that supports our students and teachers during the school year. We need your help to ensure funding for activities and supplies for our students.

Contributions support:

  • Student Supplies (core-knowledge supplies, library books, literacy programs, etc.)
  • Student Programs & Activities (assemblies, school socials, festival sports support, 8th-grade end-of-year celebration, etc.)
  • Staff Support (conferences/continuing education, teacher appreciation, classroom supplies, grant requests, etc.)
  • School Equipment (recess equipment, office supplies, nurse needs, etc.)

**Note: Volunteer hours are not required with your MTMS PTSO Membership. 

All meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center at MTMS. 
Feel free to reach out to us with any questions at

Join our MTSM PTSO Facebook group to stay up-to-date on MTMS events and updates.

Visit our Facebook group

Free and Easy Ways to Support MTMS PTSO:

Support MTMS by enrolling in Fry's Community Rewards Program. Go to the Fry's Community Rewards Program website and create an account and link your Fry's card to MTMS.

General Mills Box Tops

Now there is an app you can download. Scan your receipt and Mountain Trail receives credit for those Box Tops! If you have clipped box tops, you can send them in a Ziploc bag and drop them off at the Snack Shack; please make sure the whole Box Top is there and that it hasn’t expired. (General Mills doesn’t pay for expired Box Tops.)

Snack Shack Parent Volunteers

We are in need of parent volunteers to help out at the Snack Shack each day during the lunch period. This is a fun, easy way to help the kids and make a difference at MTMS! All proceeds from sales go back to programs and activities for students and staff at MTMS! Volunteers will be selling snacks & drinks during the school lunch period from 12:31-1:06 p.m. Lunchtime is at the same time every day of the week, except early release days which are half days and there is no lunch period.

Parent Volunteer Signup

United Parent Council (UPC)

UPC is a district-wide parent group that has been active in Paradise Valley Unified School District for more than 30 years and is a 501(c)(3) organization. Looking out for the interest of students is our primary goal. We do this by offering parents support, information, and opportunities to be influential voices in the decisions that affect their children's education.

Learn More About UPC