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To report an absence, please call the attendance line: (602) 449-4601

School Times: 9 am - 3:40 pm for regular days and 1 pm for early dismissal

C.U.T.S. Program

School attendance is not only a good habit, state law requires it. Arizona State Law (15-802.A, 15-803.E) requires every person who has custody of a child between the ages of six and sixteen years shall make sure the child attends school full time unless unable to attend due to illness or another legitimate reason.

To encourage and improve school attendance, Mountain Trail has implemented a truancy program in partnership with Maricopa County Juvenile Court. This truancy program is called C.U.T.S. (Court Unified Truancy Suppression). We will be tracking attendance very closely. Your child is expected to be at school every day, unless there is an excused reason not to be. An absence is defined as a minimum of one missed class per period per day. An unexcused absence will count as a truant day as defined by law. A student is "habitually truant" if he/she has five or more unexcused absences from school OR is absent more than ten percent (18 days) of the required number of school days per year whether the absence is excused or unexcused.

If a student is cited through the Juvenile court, a hearing will be held at the district office with representatives from Mountain Trail Middle School and the Juvenile Court. The parent(s) and the child will be expected to appear at the hearing. Consequences at the hearing may include the following: required attendance of the parent and child at an education class (to be held on Saturdays), work hours assigned to the child, counseling, etc. The parent will be assessed a Diversion fee ($25-$40). Failure to complete the consequences may result in the prosecution of the child at the Juvenile Court or suspension of the juvenile's license until the age of 18.

Thank you for your support in our efforts to encourage good attendance and punctuality habits.

Tardy Policy

1st & 2nd Tardy: Warning from the office

3rd Tardy: Conference with student and written notification sent home.

4th & more: Appropriate consequences assigned by school administration.

***Attendance issues may hinder a student's participation in extracurricular activities such as field trips, sports, dances, etc with administrative decision being final.